Knowledge Base

views: 17106

The most up to date FL Studio box products no longer supply a CD or USB in the package.

CD: supplied with FL Studio box versions 2 till 9
USB: supplied with FL Studio box versions 10 till 12

Download only: FL Studio box 20 and higher

If you have registered your boxed copy of FL Studio at our website you no longer need your installation CD or USB.

I am registered and have an account:

In short, download the registration key (and install it) and the FL Studio installer from your Account page. See this section of the FL Studio Manual, it has all the details...

Full details on installing FL Studio from a download installer and regkey.

I am not registered and don't have an account yet:

If you have not registered your Boxed software and created an Account, please complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the Box registration page.
  2. Enter your serial number (found inside the box) and follow the instructions to create an Account.
  3. Once your Account is created, follow the steps as shown in the section above.


NOTE: Box customers of an FL Studio version 9 or lower are entitled to 1 free update that raises FL Studio 1 major revision number, i.e. 9 to 10. From FL Studio box version 10 and up 'lifetime free updates' are included in the box registration.

If you no longer have access to your Generic Sample CD content, please refer to:
Box - where to find the Generic Sample cd content included in my box purchase?.


The FL Studio Support Team