Knowledge Base

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Recovering Inaccessible MIDI Data

If you've accidentally saved a project containing a trial plugin and have tried reloading the project you would notice that the MIDI data is no longer available. The Channel containing your demo plugin is removed from the project upon loading, along with it is your MIDI data that was present on the Channel.

You can prevent the Channel from being deleted and preserve your MIDI data by removing the trial plugin.

1. Navigate to 'Help > Diagnostics' from the FL Studio Toolbar.

2. Launch the Diagnostic Tool.
3. Select Fix FL Studio song project followed by Browse to locate the .FLP file containing the trial plugin.
4. Select Remove a plugin that crashes when file is opened.
5. The name of the FL Studio plugins used in the project are visible, select the trial plugin you'd like to remove followed by the 'Select' button to apply the changes.

A new project file will be created reflecting the change, the trial plugin instance will be replaced by a Sampler Channel and your MIDI data on that Channel will be accessible again.

Image-Line Support Team