Knowledge Base

views: 27954

If you're experiencing issues with Waves plugins failing to load, receiving errors when scanning your Waves plugins, or Waves plugins prompting you to select your Waves installation folder please  try the following: 


Before proceeding verify that you're running FL Studio 12.1.3 or higher, to check your FL Studio version navigate to "? > About" in the Toolbar. If not, download the latest version HERE.

Perform a verified plugin scan


  1. Open 'Options > File Settings'.
  2. Select 'Plugin Manager' and select the following options:
    'Rescan previously verified plugins'
    'Rescan plugins with errors'
    'Verify plugins'
  3. Start scan.

If problems persists try the following Waves installation instructions:


  1. Quit all apps.
  2. Launch Waves Central and choose ‘Install Products’ in the middle.
  3. Log in with your Waves account details.
  4. On the left, choose Online.
  5. In the middle, select your products one by one.
  6. On the right, verify that all your products are listed then click on ‘Install’ at the bottom.

Once the process is complete, restart your computer and launch FL Studio then follow the verified plugin scan instructions above.