Knowledge Base

views: 19296

FL Studio Mobile for Android, iOS & Windows must be downloaded and unlocked from the Google Play, Apple iTunes and Windows App Stores. If you have problems with purchasing, downloading or updating the App, please contact the support for the relative App store. Download troubleshooting info here.


To get product support, report bugs or participate in the product forums, you must first register FL Studio Mobile to your Image-Line Account:


How to register FL Studio Mobile to your Image-Line Account:


  1. Open FL Studio Mobile App on your device and tap the HELP button.
  2. Tap Users & Support forums.
  3. You will be taken to our Login / Account creation page where we ask you to register the App to your Image-Line Account.
  4. After registration you will be sent to the FL Studio Mobile user forum. This indicates you have successfully registered.


We add FL Studio Mobile to the 'My Licenses' section of your 'My Account' page. From then on you can always log into your Image-Line account using any Web browser and post questions and participate in the FL Studio Mobile Forum.


Downloading and updating FL Studio Mobile


Downloading and updating FL Studio Mobile is only possible from the shop where you purchased it (iTunes, Google Play Store, Windows App Store). There is a troubleshooting Knowledge Base article here.


Problems posting in the forums?


See : I can´t post in the forums! What should I do?


Note that forum posting is only available for registered customers. Not a customer yet?


Create a support ticket