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FL Studio crashes completely ("FL has encountered an error and needs to close popup), keeping in mind that the CPU use is relatively low (around 35-40%) and the RAM is barely being used as well. Now I am stuck ...
fl 20 just fine. Right now the problem is FL studio 20 will just crash unexpectedly without any warning when i try to copy a melody on ElectraX into another instance of ElectraX. Please get back to me asap thanks ...
FL Studio 20 it stays stuck on its loading screen and freezes until I force close the program on Windows. Is there is a way I can fix this and if so how? Attached is a screen shot if It helps ...
FL Studio crashed when I tried to open a new softsynth instance. I am installing new presets for A.N.A 2 from Sonic Academy. ...
FL is no longer producing any sound, while the timer and track indicator still moves (in hybrid Playback tracking mode). I can only re-use the FLStudio asio driver after a reboot of my pc. Selecting another ASIO driver, like ...
FL Studio, this does not work, and instead every instance has is just named Pro-Q(1), Pro-Q(2) etc. regardless of the mixer track names in FL Studio. [attachment=0:an3n3bsx]< >ffsc2.png< >[/attachment:an3n3bsx] I originally thought this ...