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version 20.0.3 release [win 0 / 38] 1 os crashes access violation alert then crashing macos fl20

2 X as X 0 X fl studio X latest X mac X Clear ALL X

fl studio it doesn't work and its pissing me off so I've tried uninstalling downloading etc etc the things people normally tell you to do and its still not working so I need help. idk what else to do ...
force close the program [attachment=0:j616n3wd]< >ss-fl20-accessviolation.png< >[/attachment:j616n3wd] Specs; 2015 Macbook Air 13'' 4 gigs of ram intel i5 1,6 128 gb storage (if it matters?) Latest FL version 20.0.3 (build 38) on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 ...
FL Studio 20 feature list here[/url:ij5z3mt0] [b:ij5z3mt0]Here is info about 20.0.3. Download and install over any FL Studio 20 installation to update ...[/b:ij5z3mt0] [b:ij5z3mt0]Windows[/b:ij5z3mt0] - [url=https://support.image-line ...