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FL Studio just tells me that it can't find the Zgameeditor program, and that it will open without the plugin. If this persists Zgameeditor will be unusable for me, because I won't be able to save any work ...
fl studio 12.3 suddenly big projects crash when i hit play, this happens only on 64 bit not 32. ill attach a list of my plugins but i dont know what to do. tried installing and uninstalling everything but did not work ...
FL studio crashes while loading a project on the Reeverb 2 or Equo plugin. If I remove those plugins the projects run fine but if I save the project then I will lose those settings. Sometimes I could make it to run if I selected ...
Updated to 12.3 and it has corrupted 3 of my session files so far ...
FL playlist the loop is off the grid lines to the left (ie early) If I deselect "Trim PDC Delay" the loop comes back in to the right of the grid line (Late) Try as I might I cannot ...
FL dont find the ensemble also not the "unsaved" Paramtersettings / the Preset. Reaktor says he can´t find the ensemble or folder. Its the Ensemble " Metaphysical Fabrication" (Metaphy. Func. with Additions). Anyone here said Fl save ...
deleted after saving. (Transientdesigner, Hardcore,Convolver, Delay was involved) After that, whenever I try to open Hardcore in a new project, FL 12.3 crashes. (with Popup telling me: Plugin can not be found) Any Idea what`s wrong? Thank You ...
Fl Studio 12.2 to 12.3 when I open up I notice a lot of plugins were missing such flow-stone, Audio Clip,and more. How do I retrieve them back do I have unistall Fl Studio or is there a way I can manually ...
I was wandering if the new timestretch features wil be available in realtime also for Slicex samples. It would be amazing if you could pitchshift individual chunks of audio and keep their lenght while others remain unaffected with no need ...