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12.02 won't .ds files 0 over loading

fl studio X 1 X bit X 64bit X load X Clear ALL X

FL Studio 12 32bit - works.jpg< >[/attachment:168hu5j6] Failing to load in the 64bit version: [attachment=1:168hu5j6]< >FL Studio 12 64bit - does not work.jpg< >[/attachment:168hu5j6] [attachment=0:168hu5j6]< >FL Studio 12 64bit - does not work 2.jpg< >[/attachment:168hu5j6] Thanks ...
Every time I try to use the 64bit version of FL, the system overloads. I can run the same file on the 32bit version and it will run fine. How can you prevent the 99 CPU load? ...