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Instead of sending the whole list files in my My Samples folder that is my Android device via bluetooth? Can you help? ...
Hi, I have just purchased a new laptop and have successfully downloaded FL studio but I am struggling to retrieve the projects that were on my old laptop. I really hope this is possible?? Thanks ...
FL Studio\Projects\Templates . Import - Loads files that are not FL Studio native projects. For a complete list of file types you can import, see the Open/Import File Formats page. The Import File dialog is enhanced with a Favorites section ...
FL Studio. When FL Studio is closed there is no buzzing & when FL Studio is open with no project loaded there is no buzzing. The buzzing changes speed and tone as i cycle through the buffer settings, it also ...
FL versions (FL 20.5) and scores were draggable without having to save them first. Attempting to do it within the same project bugs the whole program. [img] [/img] However, doing the same with mixer tracks or instruments ...