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Instruments, me sugirieron algunas soluciones pero no dieron resultado. Me dicen que tampoco saben cual es el problema. Mi pc cumple con todos los requisitos del massive x y fl studio. por favor me gustaria una respuesta que solucione esto. Gracias. ...
plugin, then out of nowhere fl studio sent me pop up saying that a couple effects and generators can't open because they can't be found. But it is not just a couple plugins it is all of them. ...
Fl Studio after a very brief loading period. Any other 3rd party plugin will load just fine. it only pertains to Native Instruments plugins. This problem didnt occur until i closed a project file the night before and tried to open ...
Fl Studio 11 and 12, I have some Native-Instruments installed in my PC, they are working fine in stand alone, but when I try to load them in Fl Studio, after scanning, they don't appear in the list ...
plugins to be the right size on my new 4k screen. The FL plugins are fine its just the ones from outsiders like waves and native instruments. Any ideas how to get a permanent fix on this and make them the right size? ...
I accidentally deleted my 32 bit Harmor.dll (I have the demo version) and was wondering if there was a way to reinstall it without having to reinstall all of fl 12. ...
FL Slayer Buzz Generator Adaptor Fruity Soundfont Player Synthmaker Wasp Wasp XT It's frustrating beyond words - the .dlls are in the proper directory. [b:30gm336r]I did a full uninstall and reinstall with the default VST directories.[/b:30gm336r ...
FL Limiter but I'm not really feelin the output, and Waveshaper is ok but I seem to like Maximus' saturation the best, although I don't really like to pull that out just to use its saturator function. Just ...
I can't count how many tutorials I've seen of mixers using third party plugins on vocals, particularly Waves stuff. But I've never seen a video where someone uses all FL plugins. How would you guys typically approach vox? ...
I ask bc the 64bit Vocodex is having known issues, but I'm really lovin FL64 thus far. Thanks. ...