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FL Studio, migrated from Logic Pro X, and started with FL 20. I have a lot of third party plugins that I've been using on Logic, that I haven't been able to access on FL Studio. When I go to the options ...
FL Studio 12, except the Vengeance Producer Suite - Essential FX Bundle 1 and 2 (about 32 plugins total). I have them installed correctly, I have connected the dongle, eLicenser software is running and the licenses for the products are there ...
FL Studio for mac, and when I try to follow the directions to access third party plugins, my plugin manager freezes and my computer fan goes crazy I know my plug ins are properly installed because they show up for me when ...
show my Slate FG-X. In FL 11, my plugins folder is E:Program Files and it sees my Slate plugins fine. I've also enabled this folder in FL 12's manager to no avail. What is going on here? ...
FL, if I load an FXB under Settings/Presets, nothing happens. It just doesn't load the bank. One plugin I can think of offhand that has this issue is OBXD. I have a 64 bit version of that now so It's not an issue ...
Fl Studio again. (Help/About/Email/Passwort/Unlock with Account) Doesn't work. Unlock Failed: Please make sure your login (e-mail address & password) are correct. Click the eye-icon to check your password. But my Email and Password were correct. I extra ...
FL Studio 20 Latest version, 8GB Ram, i5 CPU. when i click 'more plugins' to load vsts, FL studio crashes down - stop working and no choice but shutting it down. and 'Option' tap - 'Manage Plugins' also. AppHangB1 FL64.exe 5c19105a ...
As I wrote in a topic. I've tried online activation and downloading activation file. It stays in trial mode. ...
Can someone help me out? Whenever I try to load a 3rd party effect plugins to go in the mixer, they always end up in the channel rack, and it doesn't open at all. If someone could help me ...
FL Studio can't find it (message box pops up). But if I select the plugin without the "_x64" in its name, it loads fine. But am I loading the 32 bit version? Why does Image Line make ...