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FL Studio ASIO FL Studio ASIO has the advantage of being fully multi-client on most machines. This will allow you to hear the audio from FL Studio and other applications (such as YouTube, SoundCloud etc) at the same time ...
FL Keys is producing weird phasing sound after each note hit. No effects on it besides soundgoodizer to boost the sound but it is there without it. Please help. (Using the grand piano preset) ...
FL Studio. Until a couple of days ago, my Fruity Edition copy of FLS 11 had been working fine. Now, however, I can't preview a channel's sound (save for when the notes are placed and the pattern/song is playing ...
sounds (e.g. C3 for the kick). To use it properly with FL Studio's Step Sequencer in the Channel Rack, each note must be assigned to a different channel, right? Any ideas how to realize this without using multiple instances of the vsti?. ...