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cc's studio convert controller signals routing ccs

midi X cc X internal X Clear ALL X

FL native synth. If using Patcher as a wrapper, the notes get there, but the CC controls do not. As of 12.4.1, is there any way to do this internally within FLS, without using a MIDI loop (e.g. LoopMIDI) utility ...
FL Studio. The controller I'm using is the original Maschine (V1), and I'm using existing templates as an example of what commands I can use that do different functions. These are a few of the examples I've found ...
convert MIDI CC to FL Internal Controller signals? [attachment=0:2ap9exxa]< >2019-01-09_Convert MIDI CC to FL-IC_Patcher Instrument.jpg< >[/attachment:2ap9exxa] [attachment=1:2ap9exxa]< >2019-01-09_Convert MIDI CC to FL-IC_Patcher Effect.jpg< >[/attachment:2ap9exxa] ...