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FL Studio ( has encountered an error and need to restart. Crash log saved to C:UsersbaileOneDriveDocumentsImage-LineFL StudioSupportLogsCrash folder. Please use Ctrl+C to copy this message and report to support ...
Hello, My version is the 12.1.3 In file join you will see with the print screen my problem. The display is frozen. I'm working 64 bits and in the task manager it read 32 bits. Problem !!!!!!! Thank for help ...
this point and FL crashes.. I have since uninstalled arts acoustic but FL still seems to be trying to load it in the project and my project is crashing again "FL studio is not responding" is the message that appears. ...
that the Pitch slider in FL has not been adjusted as well as the BPM counter. The sounds I am working with appear that they have not been stretched either so that is not the issue. Any help is greatly appreciated!! ...