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FL Studio but since the dreadful release of Windows 8, after being an exclusive Windows user, I now try to do as much on OS X as possible so I can't wait for a native OS X version to be released ...
FL Studio 12, which richly deserves to be number one in the recent Tech RADAR rankings. Fully understand 12.4.2 is just out, so bugs are going to occur. For me I have Softube's Amp package, and FL Studio crashes ...
aggregate device in Audio Devices but my Samson condenser mic still does not appear in FL Studio 20. I've tried everything and have scoured the internet for a solution but have had no luck. Can someone please help me!? ...
FL Studio it still does not show the wave form, not even on the channel settings box when I click on the channel. This is frustrating because I need to be able to see the wave form to make some ...
FL Studio has gotten a lot better for live performance. In the old days this was Ableton Live it's speciality. But now FL Studio is making a come back for live performance stuff. This post is a introduction post ...
behalf of a lot of people that saw the performance video with the livid base controller noticed that fl studio gui was different. I was just wondering if you have a release date for this or will it be in the next update? ...
Hey guys! I have been working on this performance project for a while, and now I finally finished the lightshow programming! It's called Pulsing lights. < > < > ...