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FL looses track of it's place and timing (in other words it'll run past the end of the song and never stop or loop; restarting the song causes it to start somewhere other than the beginning; no sound ...
FL for many years but recently my audio keeps crackling and stopping. The weird thing is that this happens every time I lightly tap or hit my desk, this is a problem as when I use a midi keyboard/pads there ...
FL 20. On the Audio Settings for PC there was an option on the ASIO panel for "Hard Clipping at 0db". I've been looking for the same setting on Mac but since it doesn't use ASIO, there is no Hard ...
I have been looking for way too long how to drag and drop audio files and I cannot figure it out. I have been simply trying to just drag a riser into my project and there is no reason it ...
I've had this problem happen to me twice in the past few months, and it's extremely annoying. So what happens is, I'll export a song for mastering, but then realize that I need to tweak something. So ...
Sir, is there anyway to add a new controller type ( M Audio Keystation 49 ) .I've been struggling alot with the controller ,i cannot use the full features of that controller. So please kindly add a new controller type in ...