Knowledge Base

views: 2701

Unable to download items from the shop

ERROR: "There was an error downloading this item. Please try again or contact the developer."

Make sure you are logged in on your device using the correct email address. It is worthwhile to follow the procedure below as Android devices can sometimes become confused about your account, even if you seem to be logged in ...


  1. Go to Settings > Accounts > Google
  2. Tap to select your account
  3. From the top right (three vertical dots) menu select Remove account. (NOTE: This won't affect any data on your phone. It simply forces the device to log-out from your Google Account)
  4. Now go back to Settings > Accounts > Google and tap 'Add account' from the bottom of the list. Add your google account back with the address NOT any other email.

For MORE HELP see this article - FL Mobile Android Installation Troubleshooting Guide


Image-Line Support Team