Knowledge Base

views: 15232
You can sign in to your personal online 'my account' profile page, and update your own registration information.

Please sign in to your 'my account' page. If you need to sign in first:

Your sign in email is:
the email address you used in your original order/registration with us.
Your password is: 
the one you selected yourself or the one that was issued to you by our shop server (use the password recovery link if needed)

Under the tab 'personal data', update your registration data and click 'save' to close the page.

You may need to verify your email address after a data update. Our server will send you an email message containing a verification link. When you click that link your new email address is verified and active in your online account. See also: How to verify my email address?
Note that the verification link can only be clicked ONE TIME, if you get an error and your email address is not verified yet, start a new verification link in your 'my account' page.

The FL Studio Support team