Knowledge Base

views: 19554

Anti virus programs can trigger one or more of the following error messages:


Error messages:


  • Cannot create file 'C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Image-Line\FLEX\Images\[Filename].jpg'. Access is denied.
  • Cannot create file 'C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Audio\Sliced audio\[Filename].wav'. Access is denied.
  • Cannot create file "C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Presets\Clipboard files\Audio clipboard.wav". Access is denied.
  • Unable to write to C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Image-Line\FLEX\Packs\[Filename].ini.
  • Couldn't create the file '[Filename].wav'. Please check that no other application is currently using it.


As [USER] for example: John (your Windows account name)
As [Filename] for example: Arksun Cityscape-1.jpg, Arksun Cityscape-1.ini, recording.wav




  1. Can't render audio, "Couldn't create the file '[Filename].wav'. Please check that no other application is currently using it." error is showing up.
  2. FLEX doesn't work, "Cannot create file 'C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Image-Line\FLEX\Images\[Filename].jpg'. Access is denied.", "Unable to write to C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Image-Line\FLEX\Packs\[Filename].ini." error is showing up.
  3. You can't drag and drop files from NewTone, NewTime or Edison into FL Studio.
  4. You can't use "paste from clipboard" as "Cannot create file "C:\Users\[USER]\Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Presets\Clipboard files\Audio clipboard.wav". Access is denied." error is showing up.
  5. You can't consolidate or quickrender tracks or patterns as "Couldn't create the file '[Filename].wav'. Please check that no other application is currently using it." error is showing up.
  6. You try to render audio and the file is not showing up, this could also be caused by an Antivirus.


Please check if Avast or AVG Anti-virus is installed. Avast and AVG block the usage of the document folder for FL Studio. The solution is to add FL Studio to the exception list.


Fix for Avast:


1: Open Avast and navigate to the Avast dashboard

2: Click Menu and click the Settings tab. Click the Exclusions tab under the General tab

3: Add > add the path of the installation folder from FL Studio > add to Avast whitelist


Fix for AVG:


1: Open the AVG Dashboard > Menu > Settings

2: Click on General > Exceptions > Add Exception

3: Click on Browse > navigate to the installation folder of FL Studio


Other solutions:


If the solutions above does not help, these could be some issues, have a look at the article linked below:

  • Wrong user data location
  • Controlled Folder Access is activated

FL Studio | Failed to create user data folder / Unable to create file / Errors saving data


Please report this issue to your Antivirus provider, so they are able to add FL Studio to their database.

As FL Studio is always evolving, the code signature/fingerprint AVG and Avast is using changes and will again be blocked in the future.


Image-Line Support Team